Mandatory bid
Antwerp, October 9, 2024, 7h30 a.m. – CMB NV (“CMB”) announced that, pursuant to an order of the Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority (the “FSMA”) of October 7, 2024, it will (i) make a subsequent additional payment of USD 0.52 (or EUR 0.47) per share to all shareholders who have transferred their shares to CMB in its mandatory public takeover bid for the shares in CMB.TECH NV[1] (“CMB.TECH” and the “Bid”) that expired on March 15, 2024 and (ii) reopen the Bid at an adjusted price of USD 12.66 per share.
Press release
Press release - 22 November - Results of the reopening of the public takeover bid on CMB.TECH NV
Press release - 9 October - Reopening of the mandatory public takeover bid on CMB.TECH
Persbericht - 9 oktober - Heropening van het verplicht openbaar overnamebod op CMB.TECH
Press release - 14 February - CMB NV launches its mandatory public takeover bid on Euronav NV
Persbericht - 14 februari - CMB NV lanceert verplicht openbaar overnamebod op Euronav NV
Acceptance forms